Monday, October 25, 2010

Qualitative Research & The Social Media's Future

   Instead of using numbers and statistics to calculate the popularity of certain websites or television show advertisements research can be conducted by way of responses. Asking the audience more of the why and how. This side of interest in researchers helps conduct information for making the future of social media improved. The decisions that we take part in everyday through what websites we play into the social media’s outcome.
   As the social media continues to evolve in so many ways; at our fingertips and through the click of a button, we are seeing its impact through societies actions. The quick status updates, mobile picture uploads to facebook, “like’s” on Facebook pages display the social media production. As time moves forward so does our social media’s relationship with the publics interests.
  Do researchers actually listen when participants and the audience give feedback and value it? As technologies advance qualitative researchers hope to better this aspect of the research world. 
For example more face-to-face discussions will help researcher’s grasp the feedback better knowing the participant isn’t multi-tasking if the discussions were online. 

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