Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Research Results

This weeks blog looks at the research results that are so often used in the social media world, the value research holds. The amount of research that people do every single day is mindboggling, and most are not aware they are even doing research. The internet is so highly used with the social interaction pages of Facebook, Twitter, Blogging. Consumers use the media to impact their lives, and research is involved. When you really take a minute to think about social media and research, there is correlation. Obtaining information about someone, something, a company and more. The most obvious example for the correlation of research and social media that individuals participate in so often is Facebook. When you go to look at someone’s Facebook page you are learning about the person; where they are from, what they like to do, who their friends are. Research results right there about an individual.
Even when advertisements on TV for “after show clips and comments visit our website” from all the recent reality TV shows. When people do go on the websites (which many people do) they are ultimately getting research results. Learning more about the show that viewers do not see when watching, and getting more information about the cast and their image. Other viewers do ignore the ads about getting more information online and choose not to do research. Once consumers choose to learn more about something/someone and do this research they apply it to their lives. 

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